Pandipakendi Automatiseeritud Käitlussüsteem
Pandipakendi Automatiseeritud Käitlussüsteem


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P.A.K. offers the final consumer a comfortable solution for returning packagings with a deposit mark through the network of reversed vending machines across Estonia. For producers, we simplify the process of recycling packagings with a deposit mark, by taking care of collecting them and delivering them to the producer. Retailers can benefit from our services by using our full solution service, which includes installing a reversed vending machines tailored after the specific location to the collection point, assuring its effortless functioning and organizing the transportation of packagings to recycling plants both in Estonia and abroad.

As a result of the Packaging Act and our activity, the use of recyclable packaging in Estonia has increased remarkably, road sides have become cleaner and the amount of empty bottles rolling on the streets has remarkably decreased. Consumers have gotten used to returning recyclable packagings, recycling them has become much more comfortable for the consumer and the extra effort required from the retailer has been brought to a minimum.

This is our mission – we aim to support the Shardless Path in Estonian nature with our activity. We care about the nature and wish that the Shardless Path in Estonia would become longer and longer! Consumers, producers and retailers have a chance to support our cause with the help of P.A.K.

We aim to make returning recyclable packagings easier for the final consumer and the retailer, provide easier access to the material for the producer and support environmentally friendly lifestyle in Estonia to add to the Shardless Path initiative.

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